CNE Connecticut Connection – Rural Railroad To Canaan

A once important piece of the CNE went through New York State, connected to the Housatonic at Canaan and went East to Hartford.

All the towns on this line were really small.

I have seen many, many pictures. But one that I really fell in love with is from Lakeville, Connecticut.

It is titled “Lakeville in the 1930’s”. Do not know who took it, but it appeared in the 2004
CNE 2004 tour guide book that Bernie Rudberg published.

Nothing really exciting about it. An old ESSO station, a 1930’s car.Couple watching from the bridge.

This bridge in Lakeville was the reason that heavier “Bull Moose” type locomotives could not use parts of this line.

Check out this WebSite. Maybe you will find a picture (or a story) that you appreciate too.

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