Missouri bid to land Amazon includes Hyperloop One Technology


Missouri’s bid to land Amazon includes a bold initiative that would connect St. Louis & Kansas City in under 30 minutes.

Economic Development officials are touting a plan that would create “an innovation corridor” that would connect both metropolitan areas with technology being developed by Hyperloop One.

If built, the plan would include a stop in Columbia.

The Hyperloop One concept would connect St. Louis to Kansas City in approximately 24 minutes, and would include a high-speed tube that would transport both passengers and freight.

A feasibility study funded by private money is already underway.

According to officials, Amazon employees would have the option to live and work in different cities throughout the state.

In addition to the state proposal, economic development officials say they will support plans being submitted by St. Louis & Kansas City.

State officials will not publicly disclose incentives, subsidies or tax breaks being offered to Amazon.

Proposals to land Amazon second headquarters are due today.

Amazon officials say the winning bid will mean 5 billion dollars in investment and upwards of 50,000 new jobs.

St. Clair County Board Chairman Mark Kern said, “This is the first time i can remember Missouri and Illinois working in unison on a Mississippi river development project. that is a big first. it’s a visionary proposal.”

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