30 Day Challenge: A Month of Saving Money

DIY in a Dorm

The hardest part of saving money is dealing with the voice in your head that goes ‘treat yo’ self!’ when you’ve barely made it to half of the amount you aimed for.

Needless to say, having your own savings is very important but instead of making you the Uncle Scrooge of your group, the idea of this month’s 30 Day Challenge is to help you save money the right way. If you think you’re too young and it’s too early to think finances, your future self might get quite mad at you. Whether it is the childhood dream of getting a Lamborghini that you want to come true or you plan on starting a small business, NOW is the time to start saving.30-day-challenge-a-month-of-saving-money

To make this October a month of saving, here are a few things you can do.

Set a Goal

The best way to save money is to have…

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