George Westinghouse

The Arts Mechanical

George Westinghouse was one of the most important people in the US. His birthday passed recently without much notice.  Most people don’t even know who he is anymore.  Which is a true shame because his achievements still affect us every day.  It’s well known that Westinghouse developed the air brake for railroads and had that been his only achievement he would still  be one of the greatest engineers of all time. But his work and the work of his companies went far beyond just the airbrake.

Like many of his contemporaries he didn’t stop at doing one thing, but instead built a series of successful businesses. Westinghouse also built steam engines and air compressors and was at the forefront of the movement to electrify a nation.

Westinghouse’s factories were a marvel in their day.  While some of the things they are doing make me cringe, it’s obvious that this was a well run…

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